Friday, November 19, 2010


They say that time always has this interesting effect on humans. Associations and connections between people, things and events that were once strongly held will slowly but definitely gets diluted when time is involved. In other words, time makes us forget. And I guess its effect is more apparent in me. So here's this overdued entry before I actually forget the event itself.

Disclaimer: spoilers ahead and you are forewarned. No compensation of any sort will be entertained, that is, if you are even bothered to do so. The movie depicts the life story of a evil guy in constant battle with the good guy with the politically correct ethically correct fairy-taley correct outcome, the evil guy loses. So one day, it was a surprise that the evil guy finally killed the good guy (even the evil guy was surprised) and he finally got control of the city, to the dismay of the people.

However, as time passed, he regretted his decision of killing the good guy as he lost his purpose in life. Well, the usual and natural thing that can happen next, other than killing yourself, is that you find another purpose, which was pursuing the girl that he likes, except that he cannot do it openly since he was the bad guy. Thus, he wore a disguise. At the same time, he tried to recreate a good guy for satisfying his ego. That failed terribly, just like all his usual stints with the previous good guy, and his good guy became the badder guy.

And at the same time, he discovered that the previous good guy did not really die. He faked his own death as he was tired of all the expectations of being a good guy and that he wanted to live a life of his own. So much for knowing that he never won the good guy, he was now given the task of saving the city from the badder guy and thus assuming the role of the gooder guy.

Well, just like any politically correct ethically correct fairy-taley correct story, the gooder guy won and got the girl.

Hmm, it was light-hearted and no brainer movie, but it was still good entertainment and good company with my dear =) despite it being a short day as we had school in the morning. We later went to Sweet Spring for some desserts before retiring to our homes for rest.

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