Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The existence of Xiao Xiao

My dear roused me from my slumber very excitedly one morning and in my half consciousness, I thought something was wrong. I quickly ditched my dream, if I can ever remember it, and rushed out with my dear. Then at the kitchen, I saw the object of concern. There it was, lying on the table, was the positive result of the pregnancy kit. I was quite surprised as the test kit showed a negative result previously and I wasn't harbouring any hopes after that.

The double lines within 5 mins for a positive result

As such, the original plans for the day was happily dumped and we quickly booked an appointment with a gynecologist, whose contacts was found hastily from the internet, based primarily on the fact that she was female as my dear felt strongly against male doctors. Guess the only peeve was that the receptionist actually asked my dear whether she wanted to keep the baby. Not very PR indeed. Maybe the doctor had too many clients and wanted to lower the possibility of getting another one.

Anyway, as newbies to this, we totally had no idea what to expect during our first visit, and so we just followed the instructions of the receptionist (not sure if it was the same one) and waited for our turn. Once inside, we (or rather I was) were surprised to see that doctor was pregnant as well. But she was not in any way lesser of doing her job well. Some time later, we saw our xiao xiao in a pictoral form.

Xiao Xiao's first scan

Not an easy picture to decipher but the small white line (you probably need to enlarge the picture to see it) in the middle of the black space (the water bag) on the left photo was all that xiao xiao was. Guess we need to wait for a while before we can actually see more of xiao xiao.

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